Tuesday, September 24, 2013

This Blog from Pro-Wolf North West will be more of a compilation of information that has been garnered from the PWNW Facebook page.  There are so many important articles pertaining to wolves, the environment, the Endangered Species List and other important facets of the always changing wolf and wildlife world - that I thought it would be good to put them all in one place, rather than have to run down the months and years of postings from the page.  It will take some time, as I will be doing this in my spare time.  Pro-Wolf on Facebook is my #1 concern.  I will also explain a bit on how and why Pro-Wolf and Good Wolf are so very close.  I hope that you will check this blog, from time-to-time.  We have come so far together, and have learned so much.  I couldn't have done it with just my knowledge of wolves alone - I needed the support and the knowledge of all of you, my wonderful supporters of PWNW!  You have taught me so much!  I have tried to keep the page educational, inspirational, beautiful and thoughtful.  I have tried not to prey on peoples emotions by posting too many blood-filled images.  We can find those everywhere.  Instead, I have taken your wise words and suggestions and focused on the things that inspire us into action the most - The Wolf!  Need we desire anything more?  Simply stated - no.
So, thank you for taking yet another journey with me.  I am new to this, too.  So it will take some time and many mistakes.  I look forward to your input!  Onward and forward - for the wolve

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